Misheel Kids Foundation | Bringing brighter smiles to children

we urgently depend on donations


The average treatment cost per child is +/- 400.000,00 MNT. This corresponds to approximately EUR/CHF 110.- / USD 115.-. In order to cope with these costs, we are urgently dependent on donations.

The follow-up examinations, as well as the instruction in oral hygiene and the initial evaluation, are part of the agreements with the participating dental clinic’s and are provided by them at no additional cost. For the treatments themselves, the participating clinic’s grant a contractually agreed discount. Quality control is provided by the founder Gabriella Schmidt-Corsitto on a voluntary basis.
The transport costs to the dental clinics for the treatment of the children, from the day care centers and orphanages in Ulaanbaatar, are covered by the institutions themselves.

Information about the financing of our Dental Treks can be found here.

In order to cope with these treatment costs, we urgently depend on donations. We have almost no administrative costs; all donations go to the treatment of the children.

Average treatment costs per child

Treatment costs

Breakdown of treatment costs in %.

  • Initial evaluation and assessment of the dental condition.
  • Dental treatment on milk teeth and permanent teeth, such as root canal treatment, composite fillings, dental crowns, x-rays, extractions, anesthesia and teeth cleaning.
  • Regular and individual instruction on preventative care with annual dental check-up in the participating institutions (orphanages/day care centers).
  • Quality control is provided by the two founders on a voluntary basis.
To date, Misheel Kids Foundation works with eight orphanages, daycare centers and kindergartens, and permanently treat over 760 children.

More than 90% need treatment


The first preliminary examinations of children in Ulaanbaatar’s day care centers and orphanages yielded shocking results: Only two out of 120 children were caries-free (tooth decay). All the others had between four and twelve teeth in need of treatment.
Children younger than six still have milk teeth. In this case, dental fillings are usually less expensive to perform than on permanent teeth. However, the treatment is often more time-consuming. It is very important to treat the milk teeth, because they can cause damage to permanent teeth.
Treatments for children over the age of six are usually much more time-consuming and more expensive than for children under the age of six. This is mainly due to the very poor condition of their permanent teeth. In children over the age of eight, severe caries is common in more than twelve teeth. About half of the total number of children treated are under six years old, the other half is older. Therefore, both the treatment concept and the costs, vary from case to case, depending on the age and the individual dental health status of the patients.
